Repairers of the Breach

Life saving.  Life sustaining.  Life restoring.

That’s the mantra that greets you when you first make your way to the website belonging to Repairers of the Breach, a nonprofit organization that has been serving the greater Milwaukee area since 1991.   

In the beginning, their primary focus was on communications projects advocating with and for people experiencing homeless.  But they soon saw an even greater way they could serve homeless adults and in 1994, began offering Milwaukee’s first daytime homeless resource center. 

Instead of focusing on where homeless people sleep at night, Repairers of the Breach address the root causes of homelessness. All of the centers resources and programming are put in place to help move marginalized people into productive, meaningful lives. They believe that offering live-saving, life-sustaining, and life restoring services is key to self sustainability.

Their daytime sanctuary is a place where homeless men and women have access to things they need to get back on track.  Whether they need food and clothing, a hot shower, medical or dental care, their mission is to provide as many resources as they can. There are plenty of other ways you can support this organization.  Check out their page and find ways you can get involved today! Even if you can’t help in other ways, they are always in need of quality footwear, men’s shoes in particular.                                     
Stans at Repairers 017

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