We are grateful for the wonderful individuals and community partners who help us make sure our Share-A-Pair shoe drive is a success each year. This year, we want to give a shout out to Jerry O’Neil and the amazing team of volunteers at Lake Country Caring for their donations!

Jerry O'Neil of Lake Country Caring

Jerry O’Neil of Lake Country Caring

Lake Country Caring is a non-profit organization in Hartland. It consists of volunteers who collect slightly used clothing, toys and household items from local residents. The facility is open three days per week and assists people in need from Washington, Waukesha, Dodge and Jefferson Counties by providing supplies free of charge.

Due to the generosity of the Lake Country residents, however, the group has a hard time recirculating everything it collects. Four years ago, Jerry O’Neil, one of the group’s volunteers, was shopping at Stan’s and learned about our annual Share-A-Pair shoe drive. He was so impressed with the good that our shoe drive does for people in need in Milwaukee and around the world that he convinced Lake Country Caring to start donating its excess shoes to our drive.

Since February 2010, Jerry and his team of volunteers have delivered 1,019 boxes of donated shoes to Stan’s. Each box holds an average of 35 pounds of shoes! The warm hearts of Jerry and the dedicated volunteers at Lake Country Caring have certainly helped us to make sure that people in need in Milwaukee and around the world receive the protective footwear they so deserve.

Do you know someone who has donated a lot of shoes to our Share-A-Pair shoe drive? If so, send us their story.

Remember, you have until February 28 to donate new or gently-used pairs of shoes to our Stan’s Fit For Your Feet and New Balance Milwaukee locations in BrookfieldGreenfield and Glendale. To show our appreciation for your contributions, each donation will bring you a $10 gift card to shop in our stores throughout the month.

Thanks, Jerry and Lake Country Caring!

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